Skin Pigmentation, Types and Treatments

There are so many kinds of skin problems, which are caused by diseases or abnormality and others. One of the skin problem which is also known as an incurable disease is the skin pigmentation. The skin pigmentation is considered as the skin abnormality that causes changes on the skin tones and conditions.

Learning the Basics of Skin Pigmentation 

Basically the skin pigmentation results both hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation, which are actually both related to the production of melanin. The hyperpigmentation is the condition where we produce excessive melanin productions on our skin. The hypopigmentation on the other hand is the condition where our body has lack of melanin production. Both condition result the skin pigmentation problem that makes the skin darker or lighter than the normal skin tone.

The skin pigmentation appears in various symptoms and forms which are tend to be permanent. This is the reason why this skin pigmentation is also known as an incurable disease, although in most cases it’s not considered as a contagious disease.

Various Types and Treatments for Skin Pigmentation Problems

One form of skin pigmentation includes Melasma, which is also known as the pregnancy mask since it commonly appears as the symptoms or affect on pregnant women. Some women using the birth control may also experience this type of skin pigmentation too. Melasma can be identified on the darkening or browning face. In some cases, some people who constantly and directly exposed to the sunrays may also experience Melasma.

Vitiligo is also known as another type of skin pigmentation and it’s included as the form hypopigmentation, where the white skin tone is more dominating on darker one. This skin pigmentation can appear in almost all part of the body. Vitiligo is believed related to the immune system, and it’s also believed to be resulted from regenerative skin disorder. There are some treatments for this skin pigmentation problem, which includes topical immune suppressant, pigmentation therapy and others.

Albinism is known as the skin pigmentation where the body produces no melanin or very little melanin, resulting white skin tones all over the body, eye and hair colors too. This skin pigmentation is definitely an incurable disease as it resulted by inherited genetic mutation. People suffering from albinism have high risk to suffer from skin cancer, so they’re highly suggested to get daily skin protections against direct sun exposures.

Acanthosis Nigricans is another type of skin pigmentation that commonly appears on folded skin like on the neck, armpits and others. Acanthoises Nigricans appears in black or darker skin tones, over the lighter one, and is believed to be resulted from hormonal reason and increasing insulin. It seems that anyone who has darker skin tone may potentially be affected by this skin pigmentation problem. The remedy is found treating underlying conditions, such as insuline resistance, obesity or a tumour, that may restore the skin. A low carb diet and hypoglycemic herbs hypoglycemic herbs such as neem and bitter gourd will cure insuline resistance, obesity and /or diabetes.

Tinea Versicolor is resulted by infections of fungi, and the symptoms that appear include light or dark patch on the skin, and these patches can be obviously seen under direct sunray exposure. This skin pigmentation problem can be treated using anti-fungal creams. Some prescribed oral medication, are commonly provided by the doctor to treat this skin pigmentation problem, but it usually is given when the skin pigmentation grow worse, in a severe level.