Learning More Details About Pustular Psoriasis

There are several forms of psoriasis and pustular psoriasis is known as one form of it. This disease is known as an incurable disease however there are not too many cases of pustular psoriasis that makes pustular psoriasis a rare type of disease. In average only 10 people in every one million that suffer from pustular psoriasis but it can affect anyone equally. Humans at all races, all economic levels, men and women may also share the same possibility to be affected from pustular psoriasis.

The Generals of Pustular Psoriasis

Although pustular psoriasis is an incurable disease however there are some treatments can be applied to prevent it from getting much worse so it’ll be better if we know the symptoms of the pustular psoriasis first which include the redness on the skin which is believed to be resulted from the inflammation. Another symptom of the pustular psoriasis also includes emerging bumps on the skin with yellow fluids in them. It slightly look pretty similar to the common psoriasis however there are some differences that come with the pustular psoriasis since the common psoriasis has more scaly.

Several Types of Pustular Psoriasis

The pustular psoriasis can develop in various levels and of course the longer you’re affected by this disease the more it gets worse. It would get even worse when the pustular psoriasis spreads all over the body since it may also result the decreasing ability for the body to maintain the balance of the fluids and temperature as well.

Actually there are several types of pustular psoriasis the above symptom is known as the regular type of pustular psoriasis. The “Von Zumbusch” is known as a type of pustular psoriasis that creates the toxic reactions in our body. palmoplantar pustulosis is also known as another type of pustular psoriasis which is a condition where the patients suffer from pustules especially on feet and hands.

The ring shaped type of pustular psoriasis is another form of pustular of psoriasis and it shapes a ring on the skin. Usually this type of pustular psoriasis represents the sub-acute condition. The juvenile type or known as infantile is known as the rare type of pustular psoriasis. This type of pustular psoriasis commonly affects the children at the age between 2 to 10 years old. In many cases boys are at risk to experience it.

Pustular psoriasis is caused by many reasons. If you’re a person who frequently use steroids and stop using them abruptly then you can also be at risk to experience it. There are actually some more drugs that can trigger the pustular psoriasis to be worse such as trazodone, lithium, aspirin or other drugs with salicylates, penicillin, nonsteroidal drugs with anti inflammation, calcipotrial and many more. Irritants which are too strong for our body can also trigger the pustular psoriasis which includes zinc shampoo, coal tar, occlusive steroids and others. Certain types of infections can also cause the pustular psoriasis like liver jaundice, low blood calcium, phototherapy and chemotherapeutic agents.

There are many treatment options for pustular psoriasis which are also aimed for various levels too. In some cases the patients must be hospitalized to get medical treatments using advance medical technologies.